Welcome presenters!

Congratulations once more for being selected to present at the 15th Global Conference on Ageing “Rights Matter”.

The IFA is grateful for your invaluable contribution to the program and invested in your success at the conference. To this end, this page will act as a central repository of all information as it pertains to presenting and abstract at the conference. You’ll find the full manual, videos on interacting with our virtual platform, as well as tips and templates for your presentation.

We look forward to seeing you in November!

To download the presenters package, click here.

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Useful information

Templates and tools –
  • The IFA has included a PPT template with the right size, ratio and dimensions presenters can use as guide to make their own presentations. To download the PPT template, please click here.
  • Zoom backgrounds:

Please choose the zoom background related to your abstract theme
Age-friendly Cities and Communities
Primary Healthcare
Long-term Care
Older people and Pandemics

IFA General zoom background

Please copy files to your desktop before adding to Zoom and make sure “blur” and “mirror my video” settings are off.

Deadlines and Key Dates –
  • October 15th, 2021 – Presentation due. Please send your presentation to Ms Andra Stancu at [email protected]
  • Virtual Platform Training video recording:

To download the Speaker manual, click here.

Virtual Platform

The International Federation on Ageing aims to provide an excellent user experience to each virtual presenter participating at the 15th Global Conference on Ageing “Rights Matter”. 

Click here to see a list of videos that provide a descriptive overview of the virtual platform and what can presenters can expect from their online participation.